The college process is a time of self-reflection and self-discovery, a time for students to contemplate who they are and who they hope to become in the years ahead. While it can be accompanied by some challenging twists and turns, it should be exciting and personally rewarding as well.
The philosophy of the college guidance process at GSB is about making good college matches for individual students. The counselor's role is to listen, provide guidance, and supply information on all aspects of the process to help students find the schools with which they connect most.
At GSB, students are encouraged to approach the college process with open eyes, open ears, and an open mind. Students are taught to lead with their strengths, embrace their own unique personalities, and consider their future goals as they pursue their college search and craft their applications. In turn, the counseling team provides active support and advocacy for each student’s process, through the end of senior year and on to college matriculation.